Information for couples/registration (engl.)


The competition consists of separate tournaments for ballroom and latin and for women and men. All participants have to be at least an age of 16 years. No additional restrictions in the age.

The ” lila / pink Band der Spree” will be given to the winner of the combined judgement, based on the results of the open international tournament in ballroom and latin.


  • Anita Eggert, Berlin
  • Sybille Hänchen, Berlin
  • Andreas Neuhaus, Bremerhaven
  • Peter Rach, Mömbris (Bayern)
  • Jes Christophersen, Lütjenburg
  • Kristian Vellejus, Kopenhagen.

Registration for couples

Please register here. All entries by 16th April 2016 will be printed in the start list of the program booklet. Until the day of the tournament registrations will be possible.

Registration fee:

  • Single start/multiple start (for ballroom & latin): 10,- € per person

The registration fee includes the entrance fee for the whole day.

Additional prices for dancers:

  • Brunch: 5 € per person (inkl. comprehensive brunch and unlimited coffee, tea and juice and water)


As every time we will offer the hosted housing for private accommodation possibilities for the couples. Give us a hint via the registration form. We will contact you.


With Outreach we support participants of the tournament from eastern-european countries, who are are competing their first time at the Berlin Open. These couples will be supported for their participation at the Berlin Open 2016 with 50 EUR per person upon request.

Further questions?

For further questions which could not been sufficiently solved via the website please contact us .